Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gordon Clan

Hello Gordon Clan Memebers
I am trying to rally members in Canada.
I need any information you feel would be of interest to attch to my blogg as I am directing all Lawries to my site.
Please feel free to contact me via email should you have any information, stories,events or general interets.
Look forward to hear from you

Family Tree

I have been very busy over the christmas holidays seeking information on the Lawrie side of the family!! (stay tuned I will be posting very soon)
What I need now is for you all to look in your Photographs and send me a COPY of your wedding pictures, baby pics etc etc they must be clear and take the time to write who is who, the date, anything I can use on the blogg??
Feel free to email me any ideas?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Grandad Murray Lawrie Poem Christmas 2006

The Magic of Christmas
Once again it is the festive season
Our poem this year has very good reason
We share with you our new found treasure
Which through the year has given much pleasure.

The family is still very close around
With incident and adventure special abound
Scott, Lisa A.J and Ian in Orangville stay
Still very happy be it work or play.

Alan in management has a job sublime
Ginette as usual quietly keeps him in line
Ashley in nursing keeps a family tradition
Hospital and caring is her ambition.

Kyle with zoo animals is working well
A career in vetterinary who can tell
Melanie our firefighter fights the fires
Kick boxing and gymnastics she never tires.

Jean Luc has opened his vey own gym.
Why not join him you'll soon be trim
No doubt you see our family is growing
Read on you will see why we are glowing.

Now we travel down the 401
Derek with Nicholas and Zander have fun
Come with me to Cardwell Street
Our two treasures you are about to meet.

Jennifer whose smile brings out the sun
Our girl despite pain is full of fun
Makayla has just celebrated her first year
Her smiles and chuckles make her very dear.

We visited Scotland but not alone
Jennifer, Makayla, Scott, Alan and Kyle came home
Our tale is now complete
My annual greeting I know you seek..

To one and all Lang May Your Lum Reek!

written by Murray Lawrie Christmas 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hello All
As I continue to grow with my Blogg I need everyones help. If you or anyone you know is related to LAWRIE please send me a email
I started this blogg so Lawries around the world can share stories and share family?
I have also posted our clan crest GORDON! if anyone can send our family crest please do so and I will post.
Remember if you are ever in Ottawa to visit Jean-Luc Boissoneault Boissonnneault at his gym as he always has time for family.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

This Is My First Post

I will be posting 3x a week my plan is to tell you all about my life and family .
I will start by telling you I am married to the most wonderful person in the world Ginette Renaud. I have 4 wonderful children Melanie, Luc, Ashley, and Kyle.


The latest edition to the Lawrie clan is Makayla Irene who was born November 29, 2005 in Orangeville Ontario. She weighed 7.7 pounds, and had a dark head of hair.